Omar Baddar


Omar Baddar is a Palestinian-American political analyst. He serves as communications director for the Institute for Middle East Understanding, and co-host for its podcast ‘This is Palestine.’ has previously served as deputy director of the Arab American Institute, a producer with Al Jazeera, executive director of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee of Massachusetts, and former director of the Palestine Cultural Center for Peace in Boston. He holds a master’s degree in political science, with research focusing on U.S. policy toward Palestine and Israel. He has participated in dozens of panels, lectures, and debates on college and university campuses throughout the US. His media appearances include the BBC, MSNBC, Al-Jazeera, Sky News, Voice of America, and other outlets, and his writings have appeared in Newsweek, Salon, Huffpost, the Daily Beast, and Jadaliyya, among other platforms.

Speaker’s participations

Session: How did digital activism and solidarity contribute to the repositioning of the Palestinian cause?
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