Lama Amr


Lama Amr is the Executive Director at BuildPalestine. With extensive experience in crowdfunding, she has coached over 40 projects to raise $550K+. Lama also specializes in designing programs to support social entrepreneurs in all stages. Lama is now leading BuildPalestine in a mission to connect 12 million Palestinians around the world with social impact in Palestine.

Lama has also co-founded a Founder Institute chapter in Palestine, the world’s largest pre-seed accelerator. So far, three cohorts were conducted, and 18 tech startups have graduated the program. Lama is passionate about enhancing the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Palestine and the region.

Lama was born and raised in Dura (outside of Hebron), and she graduated from Birzeit University with a bachelor’s in Business Administration and a minor in Accounting. Her interests include Nature Photography and Video Making.

Speaker’s participations

Session: Economic Deplatforming. Digital economic discrimination against Palestinians
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