Dima Samaro

PDAF Preparatoty Committee

Dima is the MENA regional researcher and representative of Business & Human Rights Resource Centre. She is a licensed attorney who has majored in women’s rights and international human rights. Before joining the Resource Centre, she worked for Access Now where she conducted policy analysis on ICT laws, and the intersection of technology and human rights such as privacy and data protection, censorship, state and non-state surveillance, freedom of expression, telecoms policies, and the promotion of human rights activism and digital safety on the internet in the MENA region. Prior to this, Dima served as a legal researcher at the International Commission of Jurists in Tunisia, assisting in organizing capacity building conferences targeting judges and lawyers from the MENA region as well as drafting legal reports on freedom of expression and human rights. She currently serves as a board member of Innovation for Change MENA hub (I4C), co-chair of ICANN Middle East space, and was selected as a Digital Forensic Research Lab fellow (DFRLab), and a Middle East School & neighboring countries on Internet Governance fellow. She holds a B.A from An-Najah National University in Palestine, and recently completed a fellowship at King’s College London, where she researched the political participation of Palestinian women and the value of freedom of expression as a tool for empowering and strengthening their role in the political process. Dima is a feminist advocate and regularly writes and speaks on the implications of technology and business on human rights and vulnerable communities.

Speaker’s participations

Workshop: Club House as a tool for Mobilization and Organization
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