Session: Mass surveillance technologies
17 May 2022
20:00 - 20:55
In the last decade, the use of mass surveillance against citizens has increased, normally under the pretext of providing security and protection along with many other justifications made by capitalist companies and repressive regimes. Surveillance technologies take many forms such as facial recognition, flying cameras and thermal imaging. In Palestine, the context is a bit different because of the awareness of Palestinians of these technologies, which Israel uses to militarize digital space and control all aspects of life in Palestine. Israel even tests these techniques on Palestinians before selling them to other repressive regimes. In this session, we will focus on how to take advantage of surveillance techniques, and the intersectional struggle in the world to combat violations of privacy. We will also deal with the impact of international campaigns on the prevention of using mass surveillance technologies. Finally, we will shed light on how mass surveillance technologies affect people’s behavior (trust, social conduct, activity) and how they reinforce policies of racial discrimination against minorities.